Title: Citrix XenApp 6.5 Expert Cookbook Series: Cookbook series Author: Esther Barthel MSc Genre: Technical Publisher: Packt publishing Release Date: Januari 2014 Format: eBook and Paper Pages: 420 Source: http://www.packtpub.com/citrix-xenapp-6-5-expert-cookbook/book In the age of cybernation, Citrix XenApp has emerged as…
The XenApp Expert Cookbook is here!
On April 17th 2013 I received an email from Packt Publishing whether I’d be interested in writing a Citrix XenApp 6.5 Expert Cookbook. I did know Packt from a previous encounter as I reviewed a XenServer book for them. But…
Packt celebrates the holiday season!
While I’m working hard on finishing my first book for Packt Publishing I noticed the following announcement from Packt that I just needed to share with you, in case you are looking form some great reading Following on from the…
Starting my own company
My first book writing experience is getting along and the content of the book is almost finished. Writing a technical book has given me a lot of energy and made me realize I am very passionate about writing and loving…